Tonight is Monday and yesterday, being the 25th of the month, means that we restock all envelopes. Some of you will know exactly what I'm referring to when I say envelopes...some of you may not.
Anyway, since envelopes are restocked, it means it's grocery shopping time. We headed to Publix tonight and had a very successful shopping trip. Successful shopping with Maggie is defined as going as quickly as possible, keeping Maggie happy by handing her random items along the way (marshmallows was the prize item of tonight), and lately she really like to ride in the front of the shopping cart. I used to a very clean mother that took the time to unfold the little shopping cart cover, place it in the cart, carefully fit it in all the little places it fits (as to cover all exposed areas of the cart), securely tie the cover to the cart, place Maggie in the cart, securely buckle her in and then finally, begin shopping. However, I've now become that Mom that just puts her in the cart and hopes for the best as long as she's happy. She is past the stage where she gnaws on everything, though, including the shopping cart, so that aleves much of the stress concerning germs and the cart. But, tonight was successful.
When we got home, she ate dinner while we put away groceries and then went to play in the living room. We're thinking about moving all the furniture out to make room for more toys. Hm...
Then I walked in, and found her sitting on the couch like this:
Not to mention, she was holding my glass of Diet Coke carefully on her lap and I think she's attempted to drink some, judging by the large wet stain on her shirt. What a ham!
So, we ended the night with a little video, which is fabulous, because I've been wanting to catch all her body parts on camera. She now can identify: Hair, nose, eyes, ears, mouth, teeth, tongue, hands, belly, coat, pants, feet, shoes, and we're working on "hiney".
So here goes...Check it out:
DIY Wood Porch Planters
4 years ago
Matt and I watched this video twice, not because Maggie was so cute, but because it was hilarious to watch Tom eat in the background! :)
I love envelope restock night! :)
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