Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Saying this weekend was crazy busy is an understatement! Sue stayed in Charleston and Daddy flew out to Oklahoma. Bobby went to the Masters with his Mom on Sunday. Therefore, leaving our little Easter gang really small. Newspring had 5 different services: 2 on Saturday and 3 on Sunday, so Tom pretty much worked the entire weekend. I sang in the choir both services Saturday and then again on Sunday night. I have to say that I really loved singing! I used to sing all the time, but it seems like the older I've gotten, the further I've gotten from singing or playing the piano. Which sometimes makes me sad. I remember seriously singing almost every weekend in college in a different church somewhere. It was exhausting, but I loved it, and being able to sing again, even if just a little bit every now and then, has been pretty great. Grandma Judy kept Mag on Saturday night and they had a great time. I came home to find a bag of "rag" magazines, as she calls them, which I love. Tom said they'd be good to counteract all the "church" I had this weekend. She had also bought a cake from the Sweetery (Italian Creme, YUMMM!!!) and get this, had washed all of Maggie's laundry and folded it AND gotten the chocolate stains out of the dress she wore to the Easter Egg hunt. I was a little stressed about it, because it's one that Mama bought when I was pregnant with Maggie and I was worried they wouldn't come out - but they did, thanks to some hand-scrubbing by Grandma Judy. She really is the best!

Sunday morning, Mag and I got dressed up (pictures of Maggie and her Easter dress coming later), picked Sarah up, went to Dunkin' Donuts and then to church at Boulevard Baptist. Sarah and Bobby started going there a little more than a month ago and so far, they seem to really like it. Maggie screamed like a little banshee when we dropped her off at the nursery and I kept watching the door in Sunday School, waiting for them to come and get my unconsolable child. It never happened, though, so we went to the service. It's been so long since I sat in a really traditional church service. It felt a little strange. I mean, all those years I played piano for Townville Baptist, but it wasn't quite as formal as Boulevard. The hymns were the same, the ones I've sang on Easter since I was a little kid, but there was a lot of "call and response" stuff, which I have always thought a little strange. There were tons of cute little kids wearing their Easter outfits and the music was really well done. after that, we went back to "Sassy's" house and took lots of pictures in the front yard. The tree in the front is blooming and had the most fabulous light pink flowers all over it. I "re"hid Maggie's Easter eggs from the hunt on Saturday morning and she, Oscar, and Kobe all ran around finding them. She really looked like a baby doll! I can't wait to post pictures!

After that, Tom came home and we all went to lunch at Fatz. Our small little dinner party of 4 (including Maggie). Then back to church that night to sing again. Good Easter weekend! It was a little crazy, but it was definitely good!


Blue Shutters said...

I love keeping up with your family. Your daughter is darling.
... and I'm so jealous that you and Sarah get to see each other so often. Lizzie's graduating at the end of May from college, and, if plans stay as they are, she's moving to Columbia with me. I can't tell you how excited I am. I don't know what I'd do without my sisters.
Love you! Miss you!
-- Bahiyyih (Bay) ;-)

Meghan said...

I would like you to add a little more about The Legacy egg hunt to this Easter recap. I feel for sure that it was a highlight and I don't think it got enough attention. :)