Well, since we've last written, MUCHO things have happened. For starters, the Husband, a.k.a. Maggie's Daddy, and I went on our first little overnight excursion since the Mag was born...um...scratch that - actually since we were married. Yeah, you heard it right. Grandma Judy came down from Ohio and she and Maggie had a slumber party together. I heard it was great fun and I think I believe it, because when Tom and I got home on Sunday, either Maggie was mad at us for only calling once to check on her, or she was Grandma's Girl. I think it might have been the second one. She was inseparable from her Grandma when we came home and it was actually very sweet, however, I think it made Grandma Judy a little sad since she had to leave so soon. Side note, though - we are very excited that she will be permanently only 2 hours away in a little over 1 month. She's officially becoming a North Carolinian. YAY!

So, about our getaway: We went to Blowing Rock, NC for one night. We stayed in the Blowing Rock Inn and it was great since it was in walking distance of everything. The little town was SO cute and just tucked away in the middle of nowhere. You would never run into it if you weren't actually trying to find it. We almost never ran into it...even though we were trying to find it. A picture of the Mommy and Daddy escaped away for a night:
So, on Sunday, we came home, Tom went back to work on Monday, and life went back to normal.
The following Thursday was Mama's birthday. There isn't a whole lot to say about Thursday, except it was pretty rough. We all had planned to do a bunch of random things that weren't really going to be any fun for anyone, and then after a VERY long breakfast/lunch at Cracker Barrel (began with me, Daddy, Maggie and added on Sarah and Tom) , a trip to Lowe's (without buying anything) and a trip to Publix (without buying anything), Sarah finally had the good point that yes, it was Mama's birthday and while it wasn't exactly the happiest day for us, she LOVES birthdays and we should do what made us happy versus trying to do what we felt like we should do (which was planting grass and flowers on her grave). So, we proceeded to leave Publix, headed to Longhorn's, and ended up having a really fun dinner all together. Maggie had her first public disaster, which included knocking a Diet Coke all over the table and all over Aunt Sarah's shoes. Our poor waiter...bless him and his little patient self. We were slightly OOC (out-of-control), but didn't we learn it all from Mama? The day passed, and then May 2 rolled around.
Before moving on, though, a few pictures from our adventures in Publix...
Wondering throught Publix and Maggie hitchin' a ride with Uncle Bobby...
And another big first in Mag's life: HER FIRST PINATA!!!!

We had a post-Cinco de Mayo party at Micheal and Vanessa's house. Vanessa actually grew up in Mexico, so this was the real deal, enchiladas and all. Maggie had so much fun, and her new best friend, Jeff, even shared his Chocolate pie with her. Here are a couple of pictures from yesterday!
Clockwise: Maggie and Daddy Tom sharing a Twix bar, compliments of the pinata; Maggie taking a swing at her first pinata; Maggie and Jeff (do I see chocolate pie on that little mouth?); and how Maggie ended the night, asleep on Caroline.
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