Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Bad Mommy...Bad Daddy!

Hello blog-friends. Maggie has scolded us for our lack of detailing her life on Maggie Sunshine. I have asked for her forgiveness and she said "it's ok daddy". So we're cool :) So, in a nutshell, I want to share some things Maggie has taught us over the past 2 weeks that might be helpful to all of you faithful parents and parents to goes.

Toys. Maggie has taught us that getting the newest, best, most expensive toys is really not that important. It's hilarious. Her favorite toy is the one she can reach at the time. Some of the consistent ones she loves are so simple. For example, there is her "ear o' corn" her Auntie Sarah bought her while on business in the cornfields of Iowa. I think it was kind of a gag gift, but Maggie loves it. I tickle her chin with Mr Corn Man's fuzzy hairsprout on top of his head and Maggie smiles and rubs her face, too cute. Other culprits include Mr Yellow Sugar Packet (approximate value = 1 hay penny), Mr. Wrapping Paper Tube (5 cents) and the ever expensive budget buster, Mr Teething Ring, valued at 2 bucks. So anyone who knows Maggie's mommy and daddy, knows they love this. Please don't let this hinder you from buying Maggie fun toys, I'm just saying that we're not going to be the parents with a nursery full of today's best and brightest that will turn into tomorrow's yard sale ornaments at best or goodwill shelf toppers in a couple years.

Lesson 2, how blessed we are with great friends and family. We have been attending a grief class for the past 5 consecutive Monday nights and attend our Home Group (which is the bomb) on Thursday nights. Neither of which are kid suitable, so we wouldn't be able to to it without help. Auntie Sarah and Uncle Bobby (with help from Queen Sue) are the standing Thursday night sitters. They love keeping the Mag every Thursday night and for that I am SO SO thankful! I don't know what we would do without them. Not to mention, they usually show fun pics of their escapades on their blogs, so check em out. Our Monday nights were a revolving shift of friends. 2 of Jennifer's college buddies, Amy and Mari Cary, took several nights and Rick and Loretta (friends we met at church who happened to be my brother in law Bobby's aunt and uncle) took 2 nights. It truly is such a blessing to have close friends and family who truly WANT to keep the Mag and expect nothing in return. I can't express my gratitude for this and Mag has taught us to be grateful for the family and friends that God has blessed us with.

Not so much lessons, but firsts and facts since the last post. Little Miss Sunshine popped 3 of her top teeth. That brings her grand total to 5, with the 6th on the way. She is a completely unsupported sitter now (just on thick blankets and pillows), trust me on that one :( She has moved into an intermediate big girl car seat, which is rear facing and will be front facing in about 4 more lbs gained, which might take about 6 months for our peanut. Speaking of, just had a recent Dr's appointment and here are the Mag's specs: 27 inches (75th), 16 lbs 4 oz (30th) and 17 1/4 head (90th). Statistics indicate our child is a long string bean, with a giant melon head...but we love her :)

Well, that's it for now, hopefully mommy and daddy will be a little more responsible, so don't give up, we'll keep the posts coming. Maybe that mommy will post some pics very soon :)