Below: Our little girly girl...not so much enjoying the hay bale.

Our little baby squirt is walking! We can't believe how quickly she took off. One day, she's still doing the "scooter" crawl, and the next, we're chasing her around the house (see video below for some great footage).
We've had some slightly grouchy days lately due to teeth. That's one thing I'm really glad that no one remembers. It would really start us all out on the wrong foot (no pun intended...ha ha). Seriously, though, teething hasn't been fun. Molars are the worst and she's getting #3 and 4 in right now on top. The perks of teeth, however, are that she can eat pretty much anything. And she does, just not at meal time. Maggie is a perpetual snacker and eats like a bird at meal time, yet 5 minutes after she's done and you go and grab your own food, she begins to beg much like a puppy.
I'm not sure if I ever posted about her biting phase. Basically short story, about 2 months ago, she started biting. She would only bite me at first and she would only bite when she was mad. Her version of a temper tantrum. So, then her biting began to spread to other victims, but still mostly focused just on me. So, after several sad times of getting her poor little leg and hand popped (a Maggie spanking), she has stopped biting other humans. In moments of rage, she now bites herself. Seriously. She stomps her feet and bites her own hand. We basically ignore this (while trying to hide our laughter) and I think that this problem will most likely solve itself. I would imagine after a few hard bites, she'll seek another way to take out her anger.
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